St.Helens Council crest

Collection dates

Please click on a link below to view collection dates.

Black box, blue bag and textile bag collection dates

Green bin collection dates

Pink bag collection dates

Recycling - information and advice

Points to note:
  • Please place your black box, blue bag and textile bag out for 8.30am on collection day.
  • Your red plastic bottle bag needs to be out for 7.30am.
  • Your green bin needs to be out for 7.00am.
  • Your brown bin needs to be out by 6.30am.
  • Make sure your recyclables are put on the pavement in clear view of the road.
  • To prevent contamination make sure that all your food tins and jars are rinsed out - no food should remain in any items when put out for collection.
  • To save space in your black box try crushing your tins and cans.
  • We can only accept tin foil that is clean.
  • Please don't overload your black box - it can become too heavy and if glass falls out it will smash.